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A Beginner’s Guide to DNA-seq Bioinformatics Analysis

Webinar time: 21-Apr-2022 Updated time: 22-Apr-2022 Region: Europe

Next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies enable ambitious large-scale genomic sequencing efforts. The detection of genetic variation is of major interest in various disciplines spanning from ecology and evolution research to inherited disease discovery and precision oncology.

In this ‘beginner’s guide’ webinar, our technical expert will discuss different analysis tools and pipelines used for variation identification (based on short- and long-read sequencing data) and outline advanced analysis options to help researchers fulfil their research needs.

In this free beginner’s guide webinar, you will learn about:

* Commonly used variant calling pipelines for Illumina, PacBio and Nanopore data
* Advanced analysis approaches for disease and cancer studies
* Various data handling software and file formats